The Delhi High Court, presided over by Justice Sachin Datta, reserved its judgment on Friday regarding multiple pleas to halt the release of the film “2020 Delhi,” which depicts the violent riots in northeast Delhi in February 2020. The court’s decision is pending following arguments from a diverse group of stakeholders, including the film’s producers, directors, the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC), the Election Commission of India, and notably, student activist Sharjeel Imam.
Imam, who is currently being prosecuted in connection with the 2020 riots, along with five other individuals, has expressed concerns that the film’s portrayal could influence public perception and the ongoing legal proceedings. They argue that the film’s promotional materials, such as posters and trailers, suggest a misleading narrative of a larger conspiracy behind the riots, potentially affecting the outcomes of their trials.
The timing of the film’s scheduled release on February 2, just days before the Delhi assembly elections on February 5, has also raised alarms. Umang, an independent candidate in the upcoming elections, has filed a separate plea urging the court to delay the film’s release until after the polls, citing potential impacts on the electoral process.
During the court proceedings, the producers’ legal counsel assured that the film would not be publicly screened until it receives the necessary certification from the CBFC. The community still reels from the aftermath of the clashes, which erupted on February 24, 2020, resulting in at least 53 deaths and numerous injuries, highlighting the sensitive nature of the film’s subject matter.