In a recent development, the Telangana High Court has granted bail to two individuals implicated in the notorious phone tapping case that has shaken the state’s administrative circles. The accused, former Deputy Commissioner of Police P Radha Kishan Rao and suspended police official Bhujanga Rao, were granted bail on Thursday due to the extended duration of their incarceration and the anticipated delay in the commencement of their trial.
Both individuals were arrested in March of the previous year, and their continued detention became a focal point of the legal proceedings. The Public Prosecutor, presenting evidence in a sealed cover to the court, revealed that during the investigation, information pertaining to judges was found on the personal computer of one of the accused, hinting at the gravity of the case.
As part of the bail conditions, the High Court ordered Rao and Rao to each post a bond of Rs 1 lakh along with two sureties of the same amount. They are also required to surrender their passports to ensure their availability for the trial proceedings.
Furthermore, the court mandated their presence at the local police station under whose jurisdiction the case falls. They are to report to the Station House Officer at 11 am every Monday for the next eight weeks, aiding the ongoing investigation, after which their attendance will be as directed by the court.
The case has wider implications, involving four police officials, including a suspended Deputy Superintendent of Police from the State Intelligence Bureau (SIB), who were apprehended by the Hyderabad Police. Allegations against them include erasing intelligence data from various electronic devices. The scandal reportedly unfolded during the previous regime led by the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) and involves unauthorized surveillance activities.
Police investigations have disclosed that the suspended DSP and his team compiled extensive profiles on hundreds of individuals and illicitly intercepted phone calls of many, including prominent political figures, a High Court Judge, and members of his family.