In a significant move, the Calcutta High Court has ordered the formation of a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to delve into a grievous gangrape allegation stemming from an incident last year in Sandeshkhali, located in the North 24 Parganas district of West Bengal.
The order was passed by Justice Tirthankar Ghosh on Wednesday, who expressed concern over the protracted delays in the ongoing investigation. The case had been registered at the Sandeshkhali police station on May 16, 2024, but has since seen limited progress.
The newly formed SIT will be co-led by Rahul Mishra, the Sub-Divisional Police Officer (SDPO) of Baduria in the Basirhat police district, and Bireswar Chatterjee, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Homicide Section, from the Detective Department of Kolkata Police. Justice Ghosh has mandated that these officers have the autonomy to select their team members, which will include several inspectors and sub-inspectors, aiming to boost the investigation’s efficacy.
Addressing the concerns raised through a petition by the complainant about the slow pace of the investigation, Justice Ghosh has also stipulated that the SIT must submit a monthly progress report to the Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate of Basirhat. This directive underscores the court’s commitment to ensuring a swift and thorough inquiry into the allegations that have shocked the community.