In a high-profile verdict, the Neyyattinkara Additional District Sessions Court on Friday found Greeshma guilty of the murder of her boyfriend, Sharon Raj, in a case that has captivated the public since 2022. The court also convicted her uncle, Nirmalakumaran Nair, for his role in destroying evidence related to the crime.
The presiding judge, A M Basheer, announced that while Greeshma faced charges under various sections, including Section 302 (murder) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), her uncle was found guilty under Section 201 (causing disappearance of evidence). The quantum of their sentences will be declared on Saturday.
This case stemmed from an incident on October 14, 2022, when Raj, a 23-year-old native of Parassala, was poisoned after being lured to Greeshma’s residence in Ramavarmanchirai, located in Tamil Nadu’s Kanyakumari district. Prosecutors revealed that the poison was an ayurvedic tonic mixed with paraquat, a potent herbicide.
Raj succumbed to multiple organ failures eleven days after ingesting the toxic mixture, despite receiving medical attention. The tragedy of his death was compounded by revelations that Greeshma had orchestrated the murder following Raj’s refusal to end their relationship, which conflicted with her impending arranged marriage to an army man.
The case’s prosecution relied heavily on an array of evidence, including digital and scientific data, to establish the culpability of Greeshma and her uncle. Special Public Prosecutor V S Vineeth Kumar highlighted previous attempts by Greeshma to poison Raj, including an incident where she mixed paracetamol tablets in fruit juice, which Raj avoided due to its bitter taste.