In a recent legal development, expelled BJP leader Kuldeep Sengar approached the Delhi High Court, seeking the suspension of his 10-year prison sentence in the custodial death case of the Unnao rape survivor’s father. The plea comes as Sengar’s appeal against both his conviction and sentence remains pending before the high court. He has cited the substantial period already spent in jail as a significant reason for the suspension request.
The case was listed for hearing on January 17, with Justice Vikas Mahajan directing Sengar’s counsel to submit specific judicial orders for review and the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to verify Sengar’s medical records. Sengar, who is currently on interim bail for medical reasons until January 20, has also petitioned for an extension of his bail due to a cataract surgery scheduled for January 24 at AIIMS.
During the hearing, Sengar’s senior counsel argued that the former lawmaker has already served the smaller concurrent sentences associated with other charges in this case, and only the 10-year term remains. “The punishment awarded to the appellant is virtually over. The actual period undergone is eight years and one month,” stated the senior counsel, highlighting Sengar’s claim of serving most of the imposed penalties.
The counsel representing the CBI opposed the suspension, emphasizing Sengar’s role as the primary accused and the potential risks his release could pose to the rape survivor’s safety. This stance was reinforced by a previous decision from the high court in June last year, which rejected a similar request from Sengar for sentence suspension.
In addition to the custodial death case, Sengar was also convicted in December 2019 of raping the minor survivor, leading to a life sentence, which he is also challenging in the high court. The incidents leading to these convictions began in 2017 when the survivor was kidnapped and raped, and her father died in custody in 2018 due to alleged police brutality orchestrated at the behest of Sengar.