In a poignant aftermath of the suicide of Bengaluru AI engineer Atul Subhash on December 9, his mother, Anju Modi, has taken a significant step by approaching the Supreme Court of India, seeking custody of her four-year-old grandson. The tragic incident, which has sparked widespread outrage on social media, involved severe allegations by Subhash against his wife Nikita Singhania and her family, accusing them of harassment.
Atul Subhash’s suicide note, which comprised 24 pages, detailed the harassment and even claimed that a judge had demanded ₹5 lakhs to settle the case. Following his death, Anju Modi filed a habeas corpus petition in the Supreme Court, expressing concerns over the whereabouts and safety of her grandson, which she alleges have not been disclosed by Nikita Singhania or any of her family members.
The Supreme Court has scheduled a hearing for January 7 to address the petition. This move has further intensified the legal battle between the two families, with both sides of the family claiming the right to the child’s custody. Anju Modi’s plea suggests that the Singhania family is obstructing her from obtaining information about her grandson. On the other hand, during police interrogations, Nikita claimed that the child is currently enrolled in a boarding school in Faridabad under the care of her uncle, Sushil Singhania.