The Supreme Court on Friday took a decisive step by forming an independent Special Investigation Team (SIT) to look into the serious allegations of using animal fat in the preparation of the famed Tirupati laddus. The SIT, comprised of two officials from the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), two from the Andhra Pradesh Police, and a senior official from the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), will conduct a thorough investigation under the supervision of the CBI Director.
The order came from a bench of Justices B R Gavai and K V Viswanathan amid concerns that the issue might be leveraged for political gain. “We don’t want this to turn into a political drama,” the bench noted, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the sanctity of the judicial process without it becoming a political battleground.
Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, representing the government, echoed the sentiment of urgency and concern. He remarked on the gravity of the allegations and suggested that the SIT’s activities be overseen by a senior central government official, stressing that if the allegations held any truth, they were utterly unacceptable.
The decision to form an independent SIT followed a session on September 30, during which Justice Mehta was asked to aid the court in determining the adequacy of the current state-led investigative efforts and whether an independent agency should take over. This directive was part of the court’s effort to ensure a comprehensive and unbiased examination of the claims.