Technological Dependence Has Drawbacks, Says CJI D Y Chandrachud Amid Microsoft Outage

In a significant acknowledgment of the challenges posed by our increasing reliance on technology, Chief Justice of India D Y Chandrachud remarked on Saturday that technological dependence comes with its share of drawbacks. He highlighted the recent Microsoft outage on July 19 as a stark example of such vulnerabilities.

Chief Justice Chandrachud’s comments came after his own experience with the outage, which almost led to the cancellation of his flight from Delhi to Madurai. “I am an ardent believer in the benefits of technology, and yesterday we saw the adverse effects of technological dependence. After the Microsoft outage, flights all across the country were cancelled,” he shared during the inaugural speech at the 20th-anniversary celebrations of the Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court.

Despite the widespread disruptions, Justice Chandrachud managed to reach Madurai, attributing his presence to the affection and goodwill of the local community. “Numerous flights from Delhi were cancelled, but I think it is the love of the people of Madurai, which was showered upon me, that has ensured my presence amongst all of you today,” he expressed.

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This incident serves as a critical reminder of the potential pitfalls of over-reliance on technology in our essential services and infrastructures, underscoring the need for robust backup systems and contingency planning to mitigate such risks. Justice Chandrachud’s experience and subsequent remarks shed light on the broader implications of technological dependence in todayโ€™s interconnected world.

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