POCSO court in Kerala orders six-year jail term for man who sexually abused pre-teen boy

 A special court on Saturday sentenced a 60-year-old man to six years’ imprisonment for sexually abusing a minor boy in the Adimaly area of this hill district six years ago.

Devikulam Fast Track Special Court (POCSO) judge Sirajudheen P A also imposed a fine of Rs 25,500 on the convict.

The incident was reported from the Adimaly area of the district in August 2017.

According to the prosecution, the man trespassed onto the property of the victim’s family and took the 10-and-a-half-year-old boy to another of their properties, by convincing him that his father was plucking some fruits there.

Subsequently, he sexually abused the boy.

The court sentenced the man to a total of six years’ jail and one month’s simple imprisonment under various sections of the IPC and the POCSO Act, Special Public Prosecutor Smiju K Das said.

The imprisonment shall run concurrently, so the accused would only serve five years of imprisonment.

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