2020 Delhi riots: Court rejects application to withdraw 3 complaints clubbed in a case

A court here has rejected the application of Delhi Police to withdraw three complaints clubbed in a case related 2020 North East Delhi riots.

Additional Sessions Judge Pulastya Pramachala, who was hearing a case regarding the 2020 communal riots against 11 accused registered by the Dayalpur police station, said when the case is “based on charge sheets”, any plea taking a contrary stand to the final report is not maintainable.

In an order passed on Saturday, the judge noted the submissions of the Special Public Prosecutor (SPP) on the application moved by the Investigating Officer (IO) to withdraw three complaints clubbed in the case.

The court posed a query to the SPP regarding the maintainability of the application, to which he said an order could be passed in accordance with the law.

“In my opinion, when the prosecution is based upon the charge sheet and supplementary charge sheet, any application taking a stand contrary to the stand taken by prosecution in the charge sheets cannot be maintainable,” the court said.

“Such application can be maintained only on the basis of the final stand taken by prosecution in the formal document i.e., the final report of investigation, known as charge sheet. Hence, this application is to be rejected,” the court added.

During the proceedings, the court summoned the two IOs in the case, underlining that the Delhi police commissioner had already issued instructions to the investigation officers to be present in the court during the hearing on the point of charge in the Delhi riots cases.

The court posted the matter for December 14.

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