4 get life sentence for abducting, raping minor girl in UP

A special POCSO court here has sentenced four men to life imprisonment for abducting and raping a 15-year-old Dalit girl six years ago.

Special judge Baburam on Friday convicted the accused identified as Waseem, Sameer, Saddam and Asif, lawyer Dinesh Sharma told PTI on Saturday.

The court also imposed a fine of Rs 24,000 on each of the accused. Of the amount collected as fine, Rs 80,000 be provided to the victim, it said.

The accused were held guilty under Sections 363 (kidnapping), 376D (gangrape), 506 (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code, section 5/6 of the POCSO Act and 3(2) of the SC/ST Act.

The incident took place in May 2017 in a village in neighbouring Shamli district.

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