3 get life term, one sentenced to 7 years imprisonment for gang rape of 2 Nepalese girls

A special court here has sentenced three men to life imprisonment and another person to seven years in jail in a case connected to the gang rape of two Nepalese girls.

The court of Judge Jahend Pal Singh on Friday evening also imposed a fine of Rs 65,000 each on Chander alias Ramchandra Paswan, Rajendra Paswan and Rakesh Paswan and of Rs 15,500 on Pintu after holding them guilty under various sections, including the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.

Additional government advocate Pawan Kumar Shukla said a case was registered against the four at the Haraiya police station on June 26, 2022, for the offences of gang rape of the two minor girls who had come through a forest to purchase goods from a market adjacent to the India-Nepal border.

Police subsequently arrested all four and sent them to jail, and filed a charge sheet, he added.

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